This form provides a way for you to make a guaranteed reservation in a secure and convenient manner. When you enter your valid credit card information at the bottom of the completed form, your reservation with us is guaranteed. Your account will be charged a non-refundable deposit equal to your first five (5) nights stay – selected site rate, Confirmed Reservation fee, any additional fees that may apply, and taxes. Information about all fees can be found here.

If you prefer to use the telephone to make
your reservation, please reach us on our
Toll-Free Reservation Line at # 866.226.COVE (2683)

VISA or MasterCard
3 digits on back of card

Cove Oceanfront Campground Booking Policies pertaining to Reservation, Length of Stay, Cancellation and Refunds are available here. I certify that I have read, understand and agree to be bound by the Cove Oceanfront Campground Booking Policies:

reservation button


Our Guests Say...

Ce fut un tres agreable sejour dans ce magnifique camping.

Patrick Tarascon, Villiers sur Orge, France

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